It’s our secret sauce.

Group coaching

Grab Your Spot Now

Community: Join a small cohort of 10 - 15 flower farmers to meet with me via zoom once a month throughout the entire season. We cover a specific lesson each month, designed to get you focused on different aspects of your business. We then open up the conversation to a group share where each individual is able to ask for feedback on topics relevant to their farm that month. It’s a space for learning, camaraderie, accountability, and support.

Schedule: Each month you choose one Zoom session to come to (with three time slots s to choose from):

  • Session Option 1: Sundays 10am PT / 1pm ET

  • Session Option 2: Mondays at 5:30pm PT / 8:30 ET

  • Session Option 2: Wednesdays at 5:30pm PT / 8:30 ET

Flexibility: Just drop in to whichever session fits your schedule that month. We typically schedule these the last week of the month, with the first sessions beginning on March 30th (the first session will be March 30th, a Saturday, to accommodate Easter Sunday for those who celebrate).

What the farmers have to say:

  • “Every class i walk away from thinking what a great mentor you are.”

    Carra Duggan

  • “Thank you SO much for being so honest and helpful and badass with your knowledge. It's so valuable to have you in our collective corner.”

    Stina Tillotson

  • “Always helpful and what’s even greater is connecting w/ fellow farmers.”

    Erin Murphy


Do I have to commit to the whole season?

Yup, it’s the whole schebang! Because you can switch into another group if your schedule changes, there shouldn’t be a reason you have to miss a monthly session. If you do, worry not as you’ve still got 11 others to make it to!

Will there be other experienced farmers?

The groups run the gamut. What I’ve found is that some ‘new’ farmers have deep backgrounds in business, marketing, sales or hospitality, so they are often bringing a helpful, critical lens to the discussions. There’s something to learn from everyone.

What if I can’t make it to a session?

If you have to miss your scheduled session during a certain month, you’re more than welcome to drop in to antoher group as it suits your schedule. To protect confidentiality and promote open sharing, I don’t record these sessions.

What if a farmer in the group is my direct competition?

We’ve had this happen and it hasn’t been an issue, the farmers have in fact formed tight bonds. BUT, you’re more than welcome to switch groups if that’s the case.

What if I’m just getting started?

We’ve got farmers with 10 years experience, and those in their first season. If you’re newer to the game, you’ve got to be a) highly motivated, and b) excited to learn advanced skills. (Psst - it’s like playing tennis with someone better than you!).

Do I have to have taken one of your courses?

Not at all. I’ve had farmers who have worked with me for years join the groups, and ones I’ve just met. The topics we cover are additional to what’s covered in my courses, and sometimes a deeper dive into topics I’ve covered.