Free Workshop

Grow Flowers for a living

The 6-Step System to a Profitable Flower Farm

Hosted by Lennie Larkin

Bestselling Author of Flower Farming For Profit

Finaly, a proven road map to building the farm you’ve been dreaming about.

Inside the workshop

✅ Finally demystify the steps to setting up a farm business, even if the word business makes your skin crawl and you’d rather just bury your head in the garden (been there!)

✅ Discover how to use little pockets of time throughout the day to start planning the farm right now

✅ Learn to avoid the most common traps new farmers fall into (this will save you so much time)

✅ Push past the “ick” of sleazy marketing techniques, and learn to feel proud and confident talking about your flowers

✅ Learn to work with me more closely to start and grow your profitable farm